Victoria 2 to hoi3 converter
Victoria 2 to hoi3 converter

Industrially, my Reactionary Absolute Monarchy led the way to an early lead with heavy factory construction, but most of my factories are sitting idle now at 5-10% capacity.

victoria 2 to hoi3 converter

Vijanagar might happen since Persia is allied with me and is more powerful than them, but Ming is definitely safe.

victoria 2 to hoi3 converter

I'd hoped to initially do the same with Vijayanagar and Ming, but with another victory like that I'd be ruined, so it's off the tables for now. I went to war to "convince" Delhi to join my sphere, and won a Pyrrhic victory, with 100,000 troops (or 1/4 of my soldier pops) lost, primarily due to attrition. Sphere-wise, I started with Jolof and Ethiopia, and have added Hedjaz and Persia peacefully. Borders haven't changed a whole lot except everyone eating away at Bohemia-Moravia, Bengal taking a lot of Vijayanagar, Poland-Lithuania becoming independent and a new neighbor of Poland and Lithuania, and Japan conquering Ryukyu.

victoria 2 to hoi3 converter

The colonial nations got absorbed with the Vicky 2 converter, but they've been being released as puppets consistently, outside of Britain, likely due to being way over the colonial power limit (whatever effect that has).

Victoria 2 to hoi3 converter